Roughness and Toughness

Man, I have the tendancy to break the fuck down sometimes. Life, of course, is a bit of a bitch. But I would like to thank Alli, Kolli, Birkir, and Bjossi for helping me through some difficult times. True dudes these guys are. Graveslime apparently formed after all the members crapped their pants or puked or something at a party. That was kinda the theme of the party supposedly. So when someone tells me thats how a band formed, I of course want to hear them. Usually when you hear of such a story, its highly likely the music you will hear isnt what you thought it would be, or just straight forward shit punk or something. But when a record asks you "do you want to die?' as the first thing you hear when you put it will soon become one of the best god damned things in years. I mean look at the cover of the album. Just fucking look at it. Why wouldn't you want to hear it? It looks really fucking cool. Its a bowl of slime with bones in it man. Fucking take a gander.

oh yeah. they cover chariots of fire

(OFF!, RFTC, Hot Snakes, Clikatat Ikatowi, Black Heart Procession, Earthless, 411)

Listing this mans accomplishments is no small feat. He has been pounding the skins since I can remember. People want him to be their drummer, constantly. He somewhow manages to be able to be in some of the best past and current bands I can think of. I wasn't even aware of his drumming when I was young. I knew Mario as a professional skateboarder. Yeah that's right. Dude was a pro skater, amongst being in some amazing bands. Hell, the list above isnt even all of his bands. But needless to say, he ripped a skateboard AND the drums, and well... a little Mario Ruba-plichta was born. I first got into his music from the the Union video, an old skate wheel company which featured the post-hardcore sounds of 411. I believe my age at the time was a harsh 13. But all I had was the song from the video. Living in PA for a small stint, finding music outside of a Sam Goody was a hard task. So it wasn't til a few years later, on the Outer Banks, that the pieces of this mans talent started to come together for me. Lit Records was a revelation, as he already had the CD in stock when I moved back home. And it starts from there really...the man beats the hell out of his drums, he rips the shit out of a skateboard, and he's a really really nice guy. But the longer you sit here and read this as I blow smoke up his ass, the longer it takes for you to research the amazing talent of Mario Rubacalba...musically and shredding a fucking skateboard. The dude is a bit of an idol to me. Could you tell?

Man it must have been a mother fucker for Gene Wilder when Gilda died. I don't think the guy has worked since honestly...artistically that is. He went from The Producers and Young Frankenstein to some bit roles on Hangin with Mr. Cooper and fucking Will & Grace. That shit hit him hard. Understandably. Gilda Radner was amazing, and he was completely in love with her. And I always imagined their lives as this perfect comedic relationship. Like just off the wall hilarity, being totally in love with someone who isn't into just the cracking of a joke, but the physical and mental aspects of the delivery. Having this time together that is so special, that it obviously couldn't have lasted forever. Something had to fuck it up. Ovarian Cancer. As with anyone who is in love with someone who gets cancer, it isn't easy. And there's no way I could ever imagine how he felt when she told him that once they put her under, she wasn't coming back. She knew. He told her everything would be ok. She never regained consciouness.

Struggle, Swing Kids, Yaphet Kotto

This man is an extremely influential drummer for me. He's a complete madman. Full energy. Hits the shit outta his drums. Too excited to sit down a lot of the time. And he's usually screaming along with the lyrics, without a mic. Anyone who knows me...well yeah. Jose came to me at a pretty good age. I was finding myself more and more disassociated with being straight edge and the scene that came with it, and looking for aggressive music outside the realm of hardcore. Searching, a friend suggested the Swing Kids. It's a 9 song discography. One song is a cover of Joy Division's “Warsaw”. But it's a really good 9 songs. They killed it, but were short-lived. The guitarist would commit suicide, putting this band to rest as well. I would go on about his other projects, as they are all equally as good. Meeting him was an absolute pleasure, as anyone who saw Yaphet Kotto at the French Broad house could tell you. Quite an amazing show. But his drumming...listening...its just fucking bonk bonk. He makes an art out of muscle spasms with drumsticks. He knows how to play, and how to go completely crazy at the same time. I suggest anything he has done. Worship.
 Here are some reviews I did for the Nomadic Subject. Check em.

Opus Eponymous

I love my friends, I really really do. But some of them are fucking assholes. Case in point. This record. I fucking love this record. I'm listening to it as I write this "review". Ive tried introducing this piece of awesome to many friends in different circles. One of my favorites was on the road after a night of partying after we played a show. I was pumped on the record, and thought my friends would share in its sheer metal sincerity of pure rock and cheese. The lyrics are all about Satan and doing biddings for him. But its sooooo poppy. Its as if Blue Oyster Cult had it out with King Diamond, with some Priest influence in there. 30 seconds into putting it on, I was heckled of my lack in musical taste and why would have I ever thought said friends would love this record. I changed the Ipod quickly for the whining to the right and back of me was a little too much for my hangover to try to comprehend. Fine I don't know anything about music. I'll live with that.

So fast forward 5 months, back in the van on the way to a show. We arrive at the club and like, as soon as we get through the frickin door, this album comes on. So stoked! Oh but what of my friends who hated this record just a few months ago? This time they are actually listening to it, kinda diggin it. I went up to them and explained that this was Ghost, and they all said "from Japan?". Sure I said sarcastically. No, these guys are from some place in Europe that doesn't have sunshine for about 2 months a year. Should explain their look. But then I began to explain the experience mentioned above. They had no recollection of hearing this record. Maybe it was the stereo quality, or the fact that our hangovers were so raging. But I explained how for 30 seconds of their melched out minds that I had tried to get them into this band. Now they weren't terribly into it, but they didn't whine either. I think they began to understand what I was trying to have them pick up on, and this time it was registering. So where do i go from here? I feel good. I win. Kiss my ass. Stuff like that.

On on less bitter note, I have met one man who loves this record as much as I. Matt Casteel and Tony Plichta's wedding will be on the Ides of March, 2012. Dustin Gingrow will be the master of ceremonies. And yes, it is a Ghost themed wedding. Bring offerings.

These aren't the Floyd's you're looking for.